2024 Annual Meeting Event Details
Spring is in the air, and there is no better way to celebrate than with free food, family fun, live entertainment, and thousands in scholarship and door prize giveaways at CHELCO’s Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 12, at Freeport High School, 12615 Business Highway 331, Freeport, FL 32439.
Each member in attendance will receive a gift bag and bill credit (limit one per household).
Registration begins at 9:00 AM, and there will be plenty to do before the business meeting, including the energy expo, live line safety demonstration, kids’ bucket truck rides*, rides on Touchstone Energy Cooperative’s hot air balloon*, bounce houses, live music by a former contestant on NBC’s The Voice, complimentary breakfast and mobile coffee bar selections.
Beginning at 11:00 AM, the business meeting will include 2025 Board of Trustees and Bylaws Revisions results and updates from the CHELCO Board President, Treasurer, and Chief Executive Officer. Following the conclusion of the business meeting, CHELCO staff will draw 10 random winners of the CHELCO Scholarship and thousands of dollars in door prizes**.
CHELCO funds independent scholarships annually
CHELCO's annual college scholarship program is designed to help members or their dependents with college expenses. In 2025, 10 recipients will receive $1,000 to use towards their higher education. In order to be eligible for the award, applicants must be a CHELCO member or the dependent of a member and have a GPA of at least 2.50. Applicants may be either graduating high school seniors or students currently attending a college or university.