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As the CEO of your cooperative, I am thrilled any time I can announce that our joint efforts have saved you money.

I am happy to share that our recent Beat the Peak efforts saved a total of $1.53 million in 2024, which is equivalent to around $23 per member. Dating back to 2014, the amount saved by peak shaving efforts totals nearly $12 million!

You may recall receiving notifications from CHELCO recently asking you, on the coldest mornings, to reduce your use of high-energy appliances, such as your water heater, washer and dryer. While this may not always be feasible, we certainly appreciate any efforts you have made in keeping our “peak” as low as possible.

What is “Peak” and why does it need to be low?
“Peak load” refers to the time when electricity use is at its highest, which usually occurs on cold winter mornings when our members are getting up for work, bumping up their thermostat and using hot water. Occasionally, our system has peaked on scorching summer afternoons when air conditioners are running full blast, but most of the time, even here in Florida, we are a “winter-peaking” system.

When demand for electricity spikes, or peaks, its costs more for our generation and transmission (G&T) co-op, PowerSouth, to generate power because of the extra resources it takes to keep up. By keeping peak load as low as possible, CHELCO and our members can avoid these higher costs, ultimately saving millions of dollars collectively. Through our Beat the Peak efforts over the years, we’ve worked together to reduce this demand during the busiest times, keeping our peak low and leading to significant savings for everyone.

What all does CHELCO do to Beat the Peak?
While it is a significant help for our members to reduce their usage voluntarily, CHELCO also has several other ways to reduce our own peak.

Through advanced technology on our system, we are able to implement voltage reduction to reduce overall power demand during peak times. By slightly lowering the voltage that is delivered to homes and businesses, CHELCO can reduce the amount of electricity being consumed without significantly affecting service. While voltage reduction is only a temporary measure during high-demand periods, it plays a crucial role in preventing the need for additional costly and impactful power generation, ultimately keeping costs affordable for our members.

In addition to voltage reduction, our team also reaches out to our biggest energy consumers, such as the Walton Correctional Institution and Winn-Dixie of Bluewater Bay, to request they run their generators during hours of high energy demand. These members, called “Key Accounts,” help us tremendously with their efforts, and we pitch in, too, by running our own generators at CHELCO.

Finally, our efforts are punctuated by those who are voluntarily enrolled in our “Switch 2 Save” water heater program. This program allows members to have a power switch installed on their water heater which disconnects power to the unit during peak demand. Participating members receive a one-time $25 bill credit and a $3 credit per month as long as the unit is active. While the switch prevents the unit from powering on during this time, the tank keeps the water hot for hours, and you should still have plenty to get you through your morning routine.

2024 Savings Breakdown

CEO Insights: Beat the Peak - Saving Millions Together


Thank you again to everyone who has helped us keep our rates affordable by participating in our Beat the Peak efforts. Proud to be CHELCO!