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During the dog days of summer, your air conditioning system works harder to close the gap between the high outdoor temperature and the cool indoor thermostat setting. To lessen the difference in temperature between the two, and to lower cooling costs, set the thermostat as high as you can while maintaining your comfort level. Another thing you can do is to use ceiling fans. Running a fan with your air conditioning can allow you to increase the thermostat setting a few degrees warmer without reducing comfort levels.

During the hot summer months, it’s even more important to replace any remaining incandescent bulbs with LEDs. The waste heat from incandescent bulbs creates unwanted heat and increases energy use, compared to LED bulbs. You can also use a programmable or “smart” thermostat to adjust the settings a few degrees higher when no one is home or when your family is sleeping.

Lastly, let mother nature help you reduce your energy consumption and plant trees or shrubs that provide shade in the hot summer months. In addition to the aesthetic value, well-placed trees can take heat gain from the sun and provide needed shade by creating a canopy for the house.

For more information or questions about energy efficiency, please reach out to our Energy Services Department at (850) 307-1122 or email us at