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Whenever the electricity goes out, we’ve come to expect service will be restored within a few hours at most. But when major thunderstorms or tornadoes cause widespread damage, longer outages often result. Line crews work long, hard hours restoring service, but it’s a task that needs to be done methodically to be done safely.

Every co-op follows a basic principle when it comes to restoring power. Priority goes to the lines that will get the most people back in service the quickest.

  1. This usually begins with main lines
  2. Continues out to tap lines
  3. Then to individual service lines

Steps to Restoring Power

Be Prepared for Outages

People on life-supporting medical equipment need to have a plan in the event of an extended outage. Be prepared to move to a place that has power until power is restored to the residence. Remember, the best way to make your family and home safer is to be prepared before a disaster happens.