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Join us for our Annual Meeting and 85th Anniversary celebration at Freeport High School on Saturday, April 12!

The doors will open at 9:00 AM, and the day will be full of fun activities for the whole family! In addition to the usual bucket truck rides for children, live entertainment, informational booths and free food, we are excited to welcome the Touchstone Energy hot air balloon, which will be onsite to provide rides to our members in attendance.

The business meeting will begin at 11:00 AM, and all members who attend will receive a bill credit, a door prize and an entry into a drawing for thousands of dollars worth of prizes.

CHELCO’s commitment to our younger members will also be on display, as we will be awarding 10 scholarships at the event. All applicants must be in attendance at the Annual Meeting in order to qualify for the scholarship, which will be awarded via a drawing of all eligible students immediately following the business meeting. More information on the CHELCO Scholarship can be found below.

In accordance with our Bylaws, our Board of Trustees elections are held in conjunction with our Annual Meeting each year. Trustees will be elected by mail-in balloting, and all members will receive a ballot packet with instructions and a return envelope with prepaid postage. This year, Districts 2, 4 and 6 are up for election, but all members should vote for all districts, regardless of your home district. A Bylaws update is also on this year’s ballot.

Round up the whole family and join us for a day of fun at our Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 12, at Freeport High School!