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Safety is CHELCO’s top priority. Throughout the year, and in May, cooperatives around the country celebrate Electrical Safety Month to raise awareness of its importance.

We take many safety precautions to ensure our employees are not exposed to dangerous or harmful work elements. Because of this emphasis, CHELCO’s current streak of avoiding lost-time injuries extends to 845 days as of May 1. We are on pace to set a new record for days worked without a lost-time injury in June, and in fact, we have already surpassed our record for employee hours worked without a lost-time injury at more than 768,000.

In addition to keeping our employees safe, we present our Live Line Safety Demonstration to hundreds of people throughout the year, many of whom are students in Okaloosa and Walton County schools.

These presentations teach observers the proper actions to take if they ever come into contact with downed power lines, specifically in a vehicle accident involving a power pole. Please always be safe around electricity, and if you ever see downed power lines, please call 911.

CHELCO Meter Services Supervisor Brett Balcerak takes part in annual Bucket Truck Rescue training.